1. COVIDutilities::pepfar_iso_map
  2. glamr::pepfar_country_list
    Current List of PEPFAR OUs/Countries and their ISO codes
  3. glamr::pepfar_country_xwalk
    Cross-walk of Country names
  4. glamr::pepfar_data_calendar
    Current PEPFAR Data Calendar
  5. glitr::cascade
    Cascade Indicators
  6. glitr::hfr_mmd
    HFR Multi-Month Dispensing (MMD) data
  7. glitr::hts
    Testing (HTS_TST & HTS_TST_POS) Indicators
  8. glitr::hts_geo
    Spatial data for mapping testing indicators
  9. gophr::achv_color_map
    OHA Achievement Colors
  10. gophr::cascade_ind
    MER Clinical Cascade indicators
  11. gophr::snapshot_ind
    MER Snapshot indicators
  12. mindthegap::expected_ind
    Full list of expected indicators
  13. mindthegap::indicator_map
    Mapping of EDMS Indicator Names to those used in OHA
  14. mindthegap::pepfar
    PEPFAR countries + ISO codes
  15. mindthegap::req_cols
    EMDS Extract Required Columns
  16. selfdestructin5::mdb_tbl
    mdb_tbl: Example Data Set
  17. tameDP::age_band_crosswalk
    Crosswalk to collapse age bands in MSD to match TST for COP23
  18. tameDP::mer_disagg_mapping
    Table of indicators and their disaggs
  19. tameDP::mer_historic_disagg_mapping_2024
    Table of MER indicators and disaggs including historic results disaggs from 2024
  20. tameDP::msd_historic_disagg_mapping
    Table of MER indicators and disaggs including historic results disaggs
  21. tameDP::ou_ctry_mapping
    Current Table of PEPFAR Operating Units and Counties
  22. themask::milb
    MiLB Information Table
  23. themask::minoria_geo
    Minoria Geography Table
  24. themask::minoria_mechs
    Minoria Mechanism Table
  25. themask::minoria_shp_ou
    Minoria PSNU Shape File
  26. themask::minoria_shp_psnu
    Minoria PSNU Shape File
  27. themask::minoria_shp_snu1
    Minoria PSNU Shape File
  28. Wavelength::iso_map
    ISO Code Mapping Table
  29. Wavelength::opm_holiday
    OPM Holiday
  30. Wavelength::template_cols_long
    Column Headers for HFR Long Template
  31. Wavelength::template_cols_meta
    Column Headers for HFR Indicator Meta Data
  32. Wavelength::template_cols_wide
    Column Headers for HFR Wide Template
  33. Wavelength::template_cols_wide_lim
    Column Headers for HFR Wide - Limited Template