Package: Wavelength 2.4.1

Aaron Chafetz

Wavelength: Wavelength

USAID OHA Office. Munging of mission weekly HFR data.

Authors:Aaron Chafetz [aut, cre], Baboyma Kagniniwa [aut]

Wavelength.pdf |Wavelength.html
Wavelength/json (API)

# Install 'Wavelength' in R:
install.packages('Wavelength', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




3.39 score 3 stars 55 scripts 83 exports 36 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:270e88233a. Checks:1 OK, 7 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGFeb 19 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Apply Time Stamp to file andapply_filetimestamp
Validate output contentcheck_content
Validate datescheck_dates
Validate disaggs for exportcheck_disaggs
Check OUs listed in operatingunitcheck_distinct_ous
Validate indicators for exportcheck_inds
Validate mechanisms for exportcheck_mechs
Validate orgunituids for exportcheck_orgunituids
Validate columns for exportcheck_output_cols
Checks template's columnscheck_template_cols
Confirm validations of processed filesconfirm_validations
Count missing valuescount_missing
Current Fiscal Yearcurr_fy
DDC Pre-Validation Checkddcpv_check
Download New Submission to uploaddownload_new
Extract OU ISO3 codeextract_iso3code
Extract mechanism codeextract_mechcode
Flag Extra Variablesflag_extra
Flag Missing Variablesflag_missing
Generate a API URLgen_url
DATIM API Call for Targetsget_datim_data
DATIM API Call for Targetsget_datim_targets
Get operating unit nameget_operatingunit
Get operating unit nameguess_operatingunit
Aggregate HFR dataframehfr_aggr
#' Append HFR and DATIM Datahfr_append_sources
Add HFR Period columnhfr_assign_pds
Export High Frequency Datahfr_export
Export csv files by mechanismhfr_export_mech
Extract Meta Data Information about Templatehfr_extract_meta
Filter to Select HFR Periodhfr_filter_pd
Convert dates to date formathfr_fix_date
Resolve issues with non-standard entrieshfr_fix_noncompliance
Generate Gap Targetshfr_gap_target
Reshape HFR Data frame longhfr_gather
Create Monthly Aggregate for Weekly datahfr_group_wkly
DDC Status Report Google Sheet IDhfr_gs_statrep
Identify reporting frequencyhfr_identify_freq
Create a data frame of HFR weeks and periodshfr_identify_pds
Import template sheet(s)hfr_import
Standardized Texthfr_munge_string
Search Org Hierarchy for Org Unithfr_orgunit_search
Import and Munge HFR Standard Templateshfr_process_template
Read in HFR output filehfr_read
Batch read hfr fileshfr_read_all
Rectify Incorrectly Submitted Dateshfr_rectify_date
Restrict HFR data frame columnshfr_restrict_cols
Round Date Valueshfr_round_date
Clean up DATIM Hierarchy Pathhierarchy_clean
Pull Hierarchy Data from DATIMhierarchy_extract
Extract country name from OU or country namehierarchy_identify_ctry
Rename Hierarchy from Levels to OU/SNU1/PSNU/Facilityhierarchy_rename
Identify Facility/Community levels in org hierarchyidentify_levels
Identify New Submissions on Google Driveidentify_newfiles
Pull OU UIDSidentify_ouuids
Validate reporting datesis_date_valid
Determine if there are tabs to importis_hfrtab
Validate mechanism codeis_mech_valid
Validate mechanism codeis_mech4ou
Determine whether meta tab existsis_metatab
Check if Operating Unit name is validis_orgunituid_valid
Check if orgunituid exist in operating unitis_orgunituid4ou
Check if OperatingUnit is validis_ou_valid
ISO Code Mapping Tableiso_map
Load DATIM Look up tablesload_lookups
Identify S3 file names matching Ignored filesmatch_ignoredfiles
OPM Holidayopm_holiday
Check if package existspackage_check
Paint console text in bluepaint_blue
Paint console text in greenpaint_green
Paint console text in redpaint_red
Paint console text in yellowpaint_yellow
Parse out submitted file componentsparse_submission
Compile PEPFAR Hierarchypull_hierarchy
Pull Partner/Mechanism Info from DATIMpull_mech
Extract DATIM Results and Targets (DATIM API Call)pull_mer
Report files validationreport_submissions_errors
Revert validated file to processed filesrevert_validations
Download from S3 and push to Google Drivestash_outgoing
Column Headers for HFR Long Templatetemplate_cols_long
Column Headers for HFR Indicator Meta Datatemplate_cols_meta
Column Headers for HFR Wide Templatetemplate_cols_wide
Column Headers for HFR Wide - Limited Templatetemplate_cols_wide_lim
Import and munge submitted site listtidy_sitelist
Update USAID Mechanism meta tableupdate_meta_mechs
Update MER meta tableupdate_meta_mer
Update Organization Hierarchy meta tableupdate_meta_orgs
Update MER targets from MSD (prior to site results being available)update_meta_targets
Update invalid operating unitsupdate_operatingunits
Push meta tables to Google Drive and s3upload_meta_table
Validate HFR PD Datevalidate_date
Validate processed hfr datavalidate_hfr_data
Validation on importvalidate_import
Initial Validation on Submitted templatevalidate_initial
Validate mechanism codevalidate_mechanism
Validate org unit uidvalidate_orgunit
Validation Checksvalidate_output
Validate submitted filesvalidate_submission
Validate filesvalidate_submissions
Check if variable existvar_exists