The MSD Summary Tables are an SI product created on a quarterly basis using the latest OU_IM or PSNU_IM MER Structured dataset (MSD). Two tables are produced, one which summarizes the current achievement for a set of core (main) indicators, and another which summarizes TX_MMD, VLS, and VLC (treatment).
Starting in FY21 Q2, the SI team migrated the production of the
tables from Tableau to R to reduce the manual burden of creating and
copy and pasting the tables into over 50 briefers. The SI team created a
package to automate the data munging required for the tables. The
package is the result of these efforts.
Below we review the process for creating the main and treatment tables.
# Load libraries needed for table creation (glitr, glamr and gophr are OHA-SI packages not on CRAN)
Load helper functions/paths from other SI packages.
# Set up paths
mdb_out <- "../../Sandbox/" #Alter this path to where you'd like saved tables to go
merdata <- si_path("path_msd")
msd_path <- return_latest(folderpath = merdata, pattern = "OU_IM")
# Load OU_IM table - using FY23 Q3 data from Panorama
ou_im <- read_psd(msd_path)
# With the new updates, you only need to set the meta data one time using the set_metadata() function
# This new approach stores the metadata in a package environment
With our data loaded and time objects created, we are ready to munge the data. Let’s start with the main table.
# Main Table
# Create the long mdb_df of the main summary indicators
# This will remove mechs with known issues by default. If you want to keep all mechs set `resolve_issues == FALSE`
summary_df <- make_mdb_df(ou_im)
# Create the reshaped df that is gt() ready
summary_tbl <- reshape_mdb_df(summary_df)
# the `agg_type` column flags the operatingunit as either OU, Region-Country or Agency
summary_tbl %>% distinct(agg_type, operatingunit) %>% slice(1:15)
The mdb_tbl
data frame is a wide-shaped data frame that
contains embedded svg icons from the fontawesome
We can pass this to the create_mdb
function to make a table
for a desired operating unit.
# Generate base table for global results
create_mdb(summary_tbl, ou = "Global", type = "main")
# Try a specific country now
create_mdb(summary_tbl, ou = "Zambia", type = "main")
# Or a regional program
create_mdb(summary_tbl, ou = "Asia Region-Indonesia", type = "main")
The steps are similar for creating the treatment table.
The reshape functions for the main and treatment indicators return a
single data frame of all operating units in PEPFAR, including a Global
and region-country level. Using the agg_type
column, we can
define a list of operating units over which we can batch create
# First, define a function to return the distinct levels in each aggregation type
# create batch tables
distinct_agg_type <- function(df, type = "OU"){
df %>%
filter(agg_type == {{type}}) %>%
distinct(operatingunit) %>%
# Write the different types to character objects
ous <- distinct_agg_type(summary_tbl, "OU")
glb <- distinct_agg_type(summary_tbl, "Agency")
rgl <- distinct_agg_type(summary_tbl, "Region-Country")
# Use purr to map across the list and create tables for all entries in each object
purrr::map(ous[2:3], ~create_mdb(summary_tbl, ou = .x, type = "main") %>%
gtsave(., path = mdb_out, filename = glue::glue("{.x}_{pkg_env$meta$curr_pd}_mdb_main.png")))
ous_tx <- distinct_agg_type(summary_tbl_tx, "OU")
map(ous[10:12], ~create_mdb(summary_tbl_tx, ou = .x, type = "treatment") %>%
gtsave(., path = mdb_out, filename = glue::glue("{.x}_{pkg_env$meta$curr_pd}_mdb_treatment.png")))
If there is a core indicator on which you’d like to focus across a
list of operating units, it is possible to use the main or treatment
data frames to create a custom table of OUs by indicator. For example,
say we would like to compare Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and
Zimbabwes’s HTS_TST_POS performance. We can filter the
data frame by a given indicator.
# Filter existing wide data frame to desired indicator and OUs
mdb_tbl_hts_tst <- summary_tbl %>%
filter(indicator == "TX_CURR", agency == "USAID") %>%
filter(operatingunit %in% c("Malawi", "Zambia", "Tanzania", "Mozambique", "Zimbabwe"))
# Pass resulting data frame to the mdb_main_theme() with a bit of rearranging to get a desired sort order.
mdb_tbl_hts_tst %>%
mutate(operatingunit = fct_reorder(operatingunit, present_targets_achievement, .desc = T)) %>%
arrange(agency, operatingunit) %>%
gt(groupname_col = "agency") %>%
mdb_main_theme() %>%
cols_unhide("operatingunit") %>%
align = "left",
columns = operatingunit
) %>%
cols_hide(indicator2) %>%
title = glue::glue("HTS_TST Comparison Across OUs")
You can also create a comparison table of OU achievement by core indicators. With a couple reshapes and filters, you can generate summary table organized in descending order by TX_CURR.
summary_tbl %>%
filter(agency == "USAID", agg_type == "OU") %>%
select(operatingunit, present_targets_achievement, indicator) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = indicator,
values_from = present_targets_achievement,
names_sort = TRUE) %>%
arrange(desc(TX_CURR)) %>%
gt() %>%
sub_missing(columns = -c("operatingunit"), missing_text = "-") %>%
fmt_percent(columns = -c("operatingunit"), decimals = 0) %>%
cols_label(operatingunit = "") %>%
source_notes.font.size = 8,
table.font.size = 13,
data_row.padding = gt::px(5)
) %>%
tab_header(title = glue::glue("USAID OU PERFORMANCE SUMMARY FOR {pkg_env$meta$curr_pd}"))
If you wish the create tables by implementing partner, you could do something as below.
# Create a custom function to pull IP tables
# Filter the MSD to the partner of focus before passing the data to the reshape_msd_df()
mk_ptr_tbl <- function(df, mech_id) {
ip_mdb <-
df %>%
filter(mech_code == mech_id) %>%
make_mdb_df() %>%
mech_name <-
df %>%
filter(mech_code == mech_id) %>%
distinct(mech_name) %>%
ip_mdb %>%
create_mdb(ou = "Minoria", type = "main") %>%
title = glue::glue("{mech_name} PERFORMANCE SUMMARY")
) %>%
gtsave(path = "Images", filename = glue::glue("{mech_name}_mdb_main.png"))
# Loop over function and create tables for each of the main C&T mechs
mech_list <- c(123456, 789101, 654321)
map(mech_list, ~mk_ptr_tbl(ou_im, .x))