Accessing Clean UNAIDS Data


This vignette covers how to access the clean and tidy annual UNAIDS Estimates from GitHub Releases. The mindthegap package uses a cleaning function (munge_edms) (formerly munge_unaids) to process, munge, and tidy the UNAIDS HIV Estimates output from the EDMS database once new estimates are available annually (around July) and load_unaids to load this cleaned data into your session.

Let’s start by loading the mindthegap package.


Pull clean data from GitHub Releases

When new data are released annually, our team extracts the data from the UNAIDS database and runs munge_edms on it to clean and tidy the dataset, including new variables such as a pepfar flag to denote whether a country is a PEPFAR country or not and an estimate_flag to indicate estimates that are an approximation (previously contained a “<” or “>”). In order to make this data accessible outside of R and cut down on the processing time, we uploaded the clean UNAIDS data to the package releases; users can easily access this data by running load_unaids with R or directly downloading the data file.

To use load_unaids, the user just needed to specify whether they want to return all countries or just PEPFAR ones (pepfar_only = TRUE), the default.

df_unaids <- load_unaids(pepfar_only = TRUE)

kable(head(df_unaids), format = "html")
year iso country pepfar region indicator indicator_type age sex estimate lower_bound upper_bound estimate_flag achv_95_plhiv achv_95_relative achv_epi_control
1990 AGO Angola TRUE Eastern and southern Africa Prevalence Rate 15-49 All 0.8 0.5 1.0 NA NA NA NA
1990 AGO Angola TRUE Eastern and southern Africa Prevalence Rate 15-24 Female 0.7 0.3 1.2 NA NA NA NA
1990 AGO Angola TRUE Eastern and southern Africa Prevalence Rate 15-24 Male 0.3 0.1 0.5 NA NA NA NA
1990 AGO Angola TRUE Eastern and southern Africa Number AIDS Related Deaths Integer All All 2800.0 1600.0 3800.0 NA FALSE FALSE NA
1990 AGO Angola TRUE Eastern and southern Africa Number AIDS Related Deaths Integer 0-14 All 1200.0 700.0 1500.0 NA FALSE FALSE NA
1990 AGO Angola TRUE Eastern and southern Africa Number AIDS Related Deaths Integer 15+ All 1600.0 910.0 2300.0 NA FALSE FALSE NA